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Eva Victoria Applebaum. My initials are my name. 


I was born in 1990. I am a Pisces and number 7. I am also a registered Physiotherapist in Quebec and Ontario.  I completed both of my degrees at McGill University. I have a Bachelor’s in Science, Major in Anatomy and Cell Biology, Minor in Human Nutrition, and a Masters of Science in Applied Physical Therapy.  Take home messages from school;  think critically, check your sources and the human body is a brilliant masterpiece.  


Aside from the resume shtuff, I am more extroverted than introverted but probably just by a little. I can be quite nerdy and I love to work hard.  Productivity makes me happy.  Slowing down and staying still is hard but I know it is equally important.  I am investing time and money into learning about spirit and what soul really means.  I meditated for the first time recently...  this full body sensation is something I had never experienced before. I used to say running and/ exercise was my meditation, but nope, not the same!  I love to bike, ski, hike, run … basically anything that gets my heart going especially if it can be done outdoors and/  first thing in the morning.  After an adventure or on a late Friday afternoon, cracking a cold one definitely hits the spot! Yup, I guess that’s me in a nutshell, well not nutshell because I'm allergic to most nuts, but yeah there you have it.

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