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Lessons From My Big Furry Friend

Starting the day off with the downward dog, setting yourself up for success.

To have that laser focus, that tunnel vision where nothing else matters … except that squirrel.

To appreciate the food you are served, even if its the same thing every day.

To get excited for a simple walk and have a deep desire to play with friends along the way.

To feel another's emotions, more than one can feel themselves.

To be loyal and provide comfort.

To be present, defining the expression "living the moment".

To stop and smell the dirt, doesn't even have to be flowers.

To rest when tired.

To find entertainment in the small things, a stick for example.

To lounge in the grass, to be still and simply take it all in.

I love my dog and I love what he teaches me every single day. #MansBestFriend

Shoutout to D_Mack for capturing the wisdom in this shot.

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